Do you See it too

I have a bigger purpose than all this ( stuff).and it's sad that I even have to sit here and say it, that it even needs to be said.

You all are bigger. We all have a bigger role to fill in life and we are wasting away, slaves to jobs ,monetary units, to society's standard of living as opposed to our own.
(I should be out living the life of my wildest dreams) (and so should you)
Why do I give a shit? About everyone else's standards?

I don't want people to be mad at me. Why for choosing what I want as opposed to what they want? Yeah. I think you won't like me if I choose what I like if it's not what you like.
Wow. What a dream, a drama.
And to think I actually worry about people being mad at me for doing something that makes me happy.
That's odd.
Why would someone choose to be unhappy for another who was happy? Hm.
Maybe it's because he is sad on the inside and he has to project that out for others to share it, even if it can't be the one he really wants to share it with, the happy one. He wants her to suffer because he suffers.

But she is just being in her world, and you don't need to bring her down too.
She will bring you up if you let her. She wants you to be happy like her, that is why she shares her happiness with the world.
maybe with this knowledge ,we can be happy for each other.
We're on the same side.
And when you really look into another human person's eyes, when did you ever forget that?
Because everytime I look, and I mean really look, I see nothing but
complete and perfect beauty.

You see yourself in everything.

Wake up.
See it too.


  1. I love this. My heart felt happy reading this.

  2. Sometimes misery loves company.
    Keep your head high, put one foot in front of the other, and keep on going.

    Positivity and love are all around you. Embrace them! We all have a purpose. Don't be afraid to do something you love. If it doesn't work out, that's okay. Don't regret it. Life is a journey. No one is perfect.

    You are loved!!!


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