It is as much for me as it is for you

I've been meaning to write this for a while. I guess it's finally time to say what I have to say what needs to be said.
How much time do you have?
How weird . You want to become affected by something and that becomes your experience.(your want of it) You wanted the drama. you wanted it to be crazy.'for the thrill of it. For the tragedy it inspired.
! As if we don't have enough of it. We create our whole experience based on what we ourselves have experienced in our past. Like I was in this one really good drama, and I mean man it was dramatic! The whole 9 yards and at any time I can think any thought about that experience whether it be good or bad I just think it and then see it.
But it's all justa drama. So what is life? That. but it's also Shakespeare's drama. ahh it's so good because things are so awful. So what do we learn? That everything is everything. Literally every experience is just an experience. it is just you that chooses what actions feelings that experience will make you feel. So you may not make the conscious choice of every action that affects your life but what you decide to feel is completely your choice. To be angry or know that it's gonna be okay because in the end
it just worked out.
trust in that and love everything.


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