define ur culture

our world is made up of symbols and signs and those correspond to meaning.

i've only found my voice here cause of repetition.

i like that better than practice. practice implies a degree to which you do something a judgement of good or bad or better

repetition is just the repeatedness no matter a feeling.

things arent to be judged they are to be be'd

you know. you don't have to take ur past

being present meaning having the awareness of the moment in the moment is all u need, its like a catching up to the creation.

so anything else i may like to do just needs my repetition of it. with things we love that is easy.

there is a thought process shift ocurring in how we view things.

thoughts are not what we have thought they were!

they are things real material things in this space that we see around us. it is not space but completely full. u can look into it. the fullness and see the movements/waves of motion.


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