Can't sleep could title a lot of this blog

Cause u know its always around this time when I can't sleep my mind is running I'm thinking about things and I just

U know. It's just cause well for a reason.

I have been listening to this YouTube channel everyday it's "Matt muckleroy" and he uploads daily chAnnelings from different entities . All conscious waking up lightworker light being stuff from our higher selves or planets that are guiding us. The message is a positive awakening just reminding us that we are there, here, now and it's all happening. And we are to spread the good message the way we see it and share that. And so I realize that I am here to share my unique perspective the way I hear/see it and deliver that to you.

This moment is perfect.
It always has been and always will be
Life flows
Most of what you think you know is hardly accurate and a staunch opinion at best.

The truth is inside your own heart. You will only find answers inside of you.
Vote with your dollar to people u actually want to benefit. Take ur drug dealer for example as opposed to Walmart or Von's.
at least ur drug dealer is a human who helps u out. The latter are not.

Stop buying from mass food chains. Be rare. Eat organic and fresh homegrown stuff. It grew in ur friends or neighbors backyard ? Even better. Don't buy things that are free. Fruits veggies water plants . Learn how to grow and harvest ur own. It's more than simple and will make you feel better. Get out of the fucking city and look at the stars at night. It'll really help u get connected to who tf you really are. We forget cause we have these street lights etc shining on us that hey there really is life out there speaking to us we've just been dumbed down to forget.

Remember babes- you come from somewhere else and u are a spirit and u have this time on this life to experience a body which you so wanted and are so grateful for. This journey is about u (me) these messages are for you (me)


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