whatever you need is right here

Those questions you want to ask someone, ask your self your higher self.

There is something inside of you that knows all the answers to the questions you have. There is a voice inside you that is aware and is at comfort and peace right at this very moment. In your wavering life, there is a spot, a point, and moment of clarity, ever existing in life. It is the "now". Do not let yourself be clouded by confusion or doubt. Serves no purpose. That's not what this is about.

This is your journey. And basically. You are just here to share that with the world. Your trials and tribulations. Experiences and delights. This is it. This is what it is all about. You are the voice of the/a generation.

This is your message. Do you see this now? This is who you are. It comes easy though doesn't it? And why do you think that is? You can search for meaning in anything, and when you look for something you find it. Searching for signs, they are right in front of your face under your nose. Spot on.

No metaphors here - this is completely straight forward.

Do what you love.

Do you love this?

Keep doing it then.

It is simple, I never said this life was complicated.


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