Sometimes it's not always rainbows and sunshine

Buttt .... Such is life, and waves of feelings change constantly.

The only constant is that nothing is constant so, when u are down, you will not always feel that way. And same with highs of joy, you will not always feel that way but, just be in the moment to experience what it all is for you

You are a grand being with love and light emanating from you with the power to do as you wish, and you do, whether consciously or un-.

Anyway. I write this because yes, life is t always perfect but that doesn't matter. You are to report on life as you see and that's what this is

My trip report.
Affectionately. <3

Peace and love my sweet babies from all over. My love and light be with you always. You are magic in a human vessel. Treat yourself as such

Ily b-


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