Global visionary seeking to change the world

That is who I am and what I am here to do.
To make a difference, to change things, to shake things up, to be myself. Well I am really getting close to this blip occurrence as in I can almost feel it as in, it is now it is this roll, this tangent you know. Well there is so much that I am seeking but who really goes ahead of their time to do what has not been done the I am possible you know those things those I am i'm possible things 
Well you are just a one with a belief who belief-ed a thing for a time and then realized that an other reality also existed in possibility. Which is exactly what all of life is
Infinite possibilities and you really do just show up for things and they spontaneously occur if you have dreamed it 
Let us say that dream refers to the thinking state do you know what I am talking about that place moment when you look over somewhere else when u are thinking of a thought the thought moment maybe that place

We can call that place a dream
You often dream things up there
And right now, let us dream up one fantastic dream all together now a dream of infinite occurrences and infinite possibility 
U know b this is all a part of it you are given this gift this moment right now for this so use it well really dream and do not hold back jump into the sky and land in this reality. 
Just go there yes let it and allow it


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