
What if you knew a bunch of information that would be helpful to others? You'd tell everyone right? Well think about it u know the info is important but you don't know if others would believe it or accept it you see your own inacceptions and so others must inaccept as well. (If it is not a word I made it up)
Well it's not the easiest task to be deliverer of messages but here goes 
There are other worlds and there are ways of accessing them
No thing exists as an impossibility
This world is infinite and so must be its possibilities
There is no such thing as too late as in too late to do something, because time is in fact illusory and we are in an ever evolving present
The present now can change with your instant thought creation. Something that has no form yet you know it is there. That blank nanosecond is creation. Flood your brain with beauty with love with saturated delighted flowing existence with wholeness and freedom and awe expressions feelings and delight of ever takes over 

This is the path of the wise. This is all changing 
And before you know it here comes the 
Here come the new ideas the new avenues the new thoughts the new stream of creative ideas reach out and allow connect receive
Be in this moment now allowing yourself to open up completely and receive everything coming to you in droves just be open in acceptance in loving embrace 

Thank you for this transmission
It is a true gift from god
To be on this end and with you


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