It starts with doing the things you have wanted to do for a while but just haven't done

It's like just doing this thing and working these things out 
You know on the travel home this eve, I sang, I sang my own songs to my own melody to my own words. And then I pushed play to the music and sang new lyrics over the music or over the lyrics and the music. I hear my own words its the same song it's just I can hear another song being played with it or over it and I sing it. And I sang it tonight I sang maybe  3-4-5 consistently can't quite remember and some ran into each other but this eve from about 10 - 10:26-35ish maybe I was "there" I was "in the zone" and these lyrics these perfectly me perfectly rhyming words they were my most me-est me and it was my life that I was singing in the most beautiful way so beautiful thank it was recorded in the time space continuum of life. I wrote those songs and I am proud . I feel this happy but it's only because I feel that for some reason ppl in life have made it seem that singing is hard and that not all ppl can do it. And while I guess it can be hard and it is accurate that not everybody does it, it does not mean that you cannot or that it is you that may not be able to sing. It means that if you try it and if you like it then it is yours and not someone's to take from you if that makes sense. I just really let it go and let god you could say and so many great things happened. So as often as you can get to that space whatever way it could be for you meditation, singing, dancing, arts and crafts, sports, games, home furnishing, decorating, etc etc etc go there because that is where u are that list is open to everything cause its anything for you 

The proof is in the pudding this is what it is

You are not going to know or realize something unless you experience it for yourself. You can either try it and make an informed decision or make your decisions off of others either informed first hand experiences or others second hand experiences which may or may not be your experience. 

And you may be great or meant to do that which you really want to do I mean why do you think you want to do it any way
So just do it and have the support of all those around you just have it and be thankful for it already thank you thank you thank you
This was a long one thank you for reading

So excited for the good things that happened today and for now and later peace to you in the future and now and the !!!!


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