You are perfect

This life has done a lot to confuse its souls but the thing to absolutely remember right now is u are perfect
FUCK what any one other than u has ever said about that statement and disregard it. If they think u are not perfect it is because they themselves do not see there own perfection. So FUCK IT.
YOU are perfect in everyway including the mis-takes u take. U are the soul that is u and u are doing amazing things rite now in your life no matter how things "appear"
So know that. You are indescribably amazingly perfect and this is your life to be had, to do what u will to do as you wish this is your dream that u get to make up.
I love you openly with my heart and soul and all the high consciousness good vibe soul essences equally love u and are extra happy one u realize this and remember. Sometimes u forget and that's okay a mere mis-take. So do a re-take . Re-member. N then go about ur day.


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