A moment of reflection thank you too
I just read something I wrote in 2012 kind of the beginning when I was starting this and it was so profound like wow baby I was on one a roll for sure! And it was so perfect and hind sight is about 20/10 right now man I mean surreal.
I am absolutely in fact 100% the woman I onced Dreamed literally dreamed at night envisioning picturing creating with my thoughts
It is all at once so beautiful
What a feeling
Also at this one moment in time having pictured that which I wanted so intensely
I later once encountering the live figure made note to mention to say hi and that became the fairy tale of my life
I am living a fairy tale I created a few years ago
It has magic and all
And I sit here in awe
So many beautiful things.
I am so thankful
To you for having a part enjoying to read and the journey
Thanks for all your lovely vibey feedback and I love that we resonate in this way so have a b e a utiful day
Words I have a way with them basically they just flow out and my fingers simply move that is really all
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