Sometimes if I don't think and don't care my writing is better
I like to think that it is more good so we will say it is and I know that I am creating it right now what I say and it is going to leave a mark here for ever so might as well say something I like and want
Am so alive right now because I am not thinking and just being letting it come and it feels good when you stop giving a fuck and experience your self for your self
It is so important to just come here and be you when you want to be you
This is where you can come be you
And it is all fine whatever goes on it is a creation
Sometimes I think about my situation and then I think that I can change it and it will change obviously and that makes me feel good! So I know that as always good things are coming because this is always what life is
I am becoming more of a deliberate creator and becoming more conscious with every thought I speak and am fully aware that I am creating now that which I had only previously dreamed this is the live action
See how high you feel
Just realizing the moment the connection of love
Knowing that divine will is guiding the moment and that is all things
That is the connection that runs thru us all is right now alive in me and so I know it is in you too. Thanks for reading.
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