More and more as the days go by (bye)
More and more we get closer to this point of honest truth I'm getting closer .
Like about to come out and say it all coming out of the spiritual closet of life
Haha being honest about your experiences and thoughts with others for the better! The hypocrisy of life sometimes but to come out with the truth is cart Blanche
Sharing your truth your art like I did today and got some good feedback wasnt expecting but they looking to hear more which is always a good thing.
More Anndddd moreeeee!!! Time warp.
Always this feeling familiar like a déjà vu or a constant happening "it's all happening" something you realize when you are purely connected!
Haha some trippy psychedel shiz
More and more was always a "thought" I would get when I was little when my head would drift off maybe before sleep they would say count sheep how fuxking ironic you know. But drifting and when you are little you haven't cultivated how to control your own thoughts you haven't even been taught anything about thoughts really. And so drifting off to sleep I would just all of a sudden these thought images would pop up a mans voice but like it sounds like time is warping as he says "moooorrreeee aaaaaaaaaaaannnd moooooooreeeee" it's as if time is warping in between his every word to quick to catch but just a faint what does it all mean basil? Moment. It would be like I was falling or floating through some abyss in space . And this voice goes . And then at some point after the thought is going taking me to- through worlds. And it's going out further and further whatever "it" is, is taking me out taking my perception out out out and then I realize oh wow I am far out and at that moment it snaps me out and I am back in my body in the bed with just this faint feeling of describing this perspective of getting higher and higher above and it going on and on and it keeps going really, into infinity. Something crazy never really think put it into words and those words do mere justice to the experience but an experience none the less that maybe others can relate to or have had or
Maybe they have you have also been taken to that place on that little ride.
First psychedelic experience you could say without even knowing what that could be, just simply an other worldly experience
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