Being you and being real is easy

This is your purpose and your dream and when u r really being u at ur happiest even it some people can't handle ur u ness it does not matter u need to be u bc there r things u need to say and share with the world things only u know or things that only yu can say in the right way to affect people the way it needs to be said. Your vision is being create and manifested right now and as you always wished it would happen so it is. You are so perfect being u and this is your gift to the world all your thoughts and feels to be shared
Share yu share u honestly with the world bc when u get real the real will recognize it
U know somethings and so it is your duty to share what yu have learned and know to be true it is important to speak up when necessary for yourself and for others who cannot be honest about the things that have happened to you in your life and own that shit.

Charlie sheen owns his shit and people love him for it (I do too)

This is what I like about the Donald too he just speaks his real fucking mind and is not being fake.

That is so important in my world. I used to be fake when I was in high school bc I thought shit was so important and I thought I would impress other girls or have more friends if I had Kate spade Prada purses and this was not the case. I was just not comfortable with my true self at that age. wanted to please so many people and wanted to be liked. But now I just want to be me and I just want to share who I am with the world and whoever wants to listen and whoever that is that i am and that listens is okay. This crazy dream we are all co creating together. I didn't forget and neither did u my child we are living here in unity and now u know that I knew all along and when u know something in your heart it creates itself and so create beautiful positive shit bc ur life depends on it. Think what u want to happen bc that will surely happen. I love you so so much I'm so happy we are one thank you for listening being you and loving all of us keep it up free kanye west listen to his truth bc he's speaking like u or I 


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