It's like being me what does that look like

Britting that shit yo

As someone had once said

You need to come "Britt that shit yo!" Regarding a ferry corsten show that I never ended up attending 5 years ago , but he was right

It's important for me to Britt that shit
Make it pop and litty like I am
Have a fun nice time being me

That's what it is all about and truthfully what I enjoy even if I may be a baby but scared it's like Blake says if you're not scared you're not doing something right which makes sense when I am doing big shit it's scary.

This is one of the many things I can do and just writing about these things, promoting my interests.

Excited for Alison wonderland because she's got a tight vibe "f me up on a spiritual level" I am definitely about that life.
She's coming to my hometown which legit bc yeah duh everyone comes here ☺️

And honestly her and alesso playing the same place so maybe can go from one club to the other to see both ☺️☺️☺️☺️ #whynot



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