Late night thoughts

I feel like it's pretty important for me to be here and write here like this thing that I'm doing is a special thing.

It's not a thing that everyone does or gets to do or even takes advantage of. 

I guess for the sake of my readers breakups are good because that's when I write most here my private thoughts explicitly whereas when I'm in a relationship I'm probably expressing those thoughts to that one person forgoing sharing them with the internet for a real human. Or not sharing them at all over sharing them with the internet and risking my partner being offended I didn't share with them (which may actually be sorry for nothing since I allegedly communicate too much anyway)

Im tired but the hours between 10-3 I just can find myself awake thinking those endless past present and future thoughts

I don't know what if any of this shit is good until a few weeks after

I honestly just let myself go present and I don't even think about the words as they come out I just type

Hopefully my new posts inspire u like I wrote it for u and my old posts too although they are for me and if u see a parallel for u then great

This is just a thing a legacy I am creating for my kids

Writers never die - an atmosphere quote 

Which is true bc like all my shit here is timeless and lives on like it's now

U can read something I wrote 5 years ago with the poignancy Of presence. 

These writings are basically me to me but occasionally I do mention u here and u could be any plethora of anyone I know rn

This is all mostly just transmissions from The ether I barely know what I say sometimes and sometimes I am like wow I wrote that both as a question and a statement .

Rn I am just typing these in my notes and emailing them to blogger to publish instantly.

Hashtag technology

Sent from my iPhone


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