Oh words just come easy to me

Here I come to write at night this thing is me as free as can be

It's cool because this is the legacy I always dreamed it would be just by its pure existence already

Being here is so easy and it's me living alive it is just planning on staying around for 20-30 minutes and seeing what comes out continuously . After some time getting into the flow gold starts to appear and sometimes you don't really know it until the sentence paragraph or story line concludes

This dream I'm creating is a very fantastic one

One with many experiences ups and downs just like a roller coaster

One with many lessons teachings

I am very much in the knowing and in the control of things right now

I am very much presently knowing that this is all a thing a dream I create

My perception is my reality and by choosing my thoughts I am creating my reality and I see this really fine reality I wrote this book in 2012 called the manifestation book and in that book I described myself whom I was not yet physically but desired to be and so did I become it over time and over perfecting my thought

Some of it was a gift yes to be born to whom I was born to and in this time in this space these are all gifts but then it is all a choice for me to perceive and remember these thoughts to stay in this creative thought frequency is productive is bringing in lots of light now

Been watching movies lately too. I have been off of a lot of things for a while that I at one point was very into . but have seen a few lately and enjoyed them . I watched the new power rangers today and it was very much like a reminder and an inspiration in some ways . It made me like acting again for a minute I was like oh yeah this is why I liked to do that so much cause getting to play these roles would be cool . Also something I've been detached from but connecting with again. Perhaps it's a good thing to connect with things that once made you you.

So much good stuff is happening right now. Right before I left for SD I wrote about some super fantastic amazing things happening literally right before my flight

And just to see things come true in some ways not any specifics but the thing is I didn't name specifics and that was the kicker like Abraham says we go general just go general in your thoughts of how you want to perceive your life go general in your thoughts of happiness as general as possible and then the outcome will always be to your liking because you can find a way to fit what happened into it. Simply I knew that perfect amazing dct circumstances were going to be and basically poof. These circumstances occurred. I guess in ways I was ready, and open.

But so so many things amazing things
Basically everything after that point has been the best life I've lived ever . I mean very simply put .
I'm so thankful and grateful truly

IN a way I was saved
In a way that is how I do see it how I do view it

How thankful I am to be shown the light of day to be shown there is another way there is more light my light is meant to be shared

It's like it was all meant to be it was all supposed to be that this certain thing to get me to here now where I'm writing and your reading and all of a sudden you've dived 20 minutes in to a reading with me didn't see where it was going but it took you and you sailed and you relaxed and glided and even climaxed too.

Here we are just all divinely living and I just like to do this thing where I just exist and I be and I just come here and write about life and Shit and you go oh cool mad props b over here doin her thing ohkurr I like I like keep it up uh huh I see you don't be scurred.

Like that's your inner monologue not mine


So random bb ne way yea so this is fun for me this is me living vibing authentically

Who you know write like this keep a blog like this be a little qt crazy bb like me


My little sweet thoughty proceey


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