I know with expected certainty

That things are going to happen in the way I have envisioned them and no more or less so if and when I am moving with love and with happiness and sharing sweet love and happiness and feeling good and feeling vibes and expressing my new and loving me with total excitement and happiness

That is like the best thing ever
Full expressive love

I can share more of that

I can be more fully expressive of my love

The true real me is fully sharing and giving of love and gives it first and doesn't need it from anyone!

I just literally remembered that as I started writing about it which is super amazing


Well that's pretty great that I remembered that like yeah that's right/write

I always just give love fully to everyone because I inherently know everyone needs love
And I know I have a ton of it to give out and I'm not afraid of giving it I am very secure in my giving it

I know I need nothing from you
And I know that I have lots to give so I just can do that simply. Without any thoughts

Anyway will probably write more you know

Like when I am here I am giving space to what is going on in my life hahahaahahahahaahahahaahahahahahhaahhaahahahaha fuck


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