God Love

earth wow

so this is what i know is that


is inside


 and that makes everyone

 this moment divinely created
present truthful.
indigo violet crown activated

love is all there is
getting back to the truth of who i am

 ever abundant flowing fountain of love

 the truth who i am
 i just love love (always have always will)
 have so much love to give
 gift i been given to give away

thank you so so much for it

allowing me to express it

god is love and that's all god is,

 and it is just what exists in us as humans , the highest feeling we have for others

 the thing we cannot describe

we give it this word in english Love

im so blessed to be living a fantastic musical dream so thoroughly blessed

when I'm loving and being in sync with god in my highest self

is a good feeling

so i am sharing it with you! it is yours too inside you asking me to remind you too




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