We love each other

It is so plain and obvious to see to everyone, including us

my love for you extends eons eons eons

my love is so real, it is the only thing

all i care about is loving you and treating you right, and i will do everything i can to show you love and respect

what is so important is that i just keep on loving and being this high vibrational being that i am

when i keep you in my heart loving you completely the way that i am meant to, i make this plane of existence a better place

i cannot change anyone in this life but myself,

so if i can keep myself loving and giving and being the best version of me

then i have changed this plane

i have changed my perspective and therefore my life

literally ever since i was young

loving is so so easy for me

and when i am being me at my best, MAMB.... i am loving everything and every moment

love is natural state of being

love is all there is

i love you so incredibly much, you yes you, you are so magical and special

my love to you will always be. it never stops, it is infinity.

love is the realest thing that has ever existed.

love creates existence

we exist because of love

I love you

thank you for allowing this love to come through and feel it

i appreciate you for everything that i feel when i am with you, especially here now when we are in this moment together and you are reading my thoughts and we are one

You are magic

be you, and be love

this plane is so amazing

what a special day this is today. i will remember this forever


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