What's so exciting is

I am almost to 1K posts on this blog!

I have been writing and coming here since the end of 2011.

I am pretty proud and pretty blessed to have kept something up for so long. sure there were many weeks i went without any writings. usually when my life was really doing its own thing easily and i was on different tracks. When i was not writing here, I was giving my attention to someone else!!!!

which is true, not a bad thing and im not judging the thing, im simply being honest about the thing.

like when i didn't write for weeks and months. someone came in as a distraction a bit. things were going good and i didn't have much to say or think about. what am i going to tout like OMG my life is amazing!!!! lolol... yeah

I feel like i went a whole year at one point not writing much, being distracted!

I remember he used to read this thing a whole lot!

Dunno what happened or when he stopped and it doesn't matter because it's all in the past.

It's just like

Definitely my man! Gives a f*** about what I write all the time

he asks me about what he doesn't know or curious to know what things mean that I say

He loves all my me s***! He loves me being my most true authentic self. He can be his most true authentic self when I am doing the same. it goes both ways for us.

He knows that our relationship is about lifting each other higher and higher into the ethereal dimensions. He knows the Godself inside the relationship. I don't have to convince him of anything

It's a grand experience. a loving truth i see here now. It's a blessing to have so many experiences and have so many things to write about.

I've surpassed 20k views, at about 23k views as I currently write this. For me, that's huge! I'm so blessed proud, not sure what else to say. but this little blog which i keep , there is some value in it to which you find, which makes me so happy. I love to remind you of the god inside you! I love to remind you how special you are. I love to tell you truths I know. I love this communication with you.

I am so blessed to be able to come write here as often as I do especially lately. This is an art, this is my love, this is for you!!!! this is for me, but this is for you too. God just wishes to be seen heard and known and experienced. Inside of us does this occur. when you read these words, things are familiar.


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