i love to set the scene and create these scenarios

that are beautifully loving

i love to imagine scenes of what you want, imagine them as you are experiencing them in the now moment, taste the richness of them. that is so fun

i used to go to sleep doing make up dreams, where i would close my eyes and lay in bed as i was going to sleep, and i would create these fantastic situations in my head and i would just sometimes not even fall asleep because these make up dreams were so good.

maybe that's something i can start doing again , i sort of forgot about make up dreams or maybe i called them think up dreams... 

yeah think up dreams i believe... it would be the most fun way for me to fall asleep. i remember sometimes jumping into bed early around 8pm because i wanted to be in a think up dream for a while before i fell asleep.

i had one think up dream that didn't ever come true, but i lived it so many times in that state of mind, that it had to of in some alternate vibrational reality and if i think about it, it really did occur then.

so that's pretty amazing and fun. even if it occured in other dimension, it had life 

all your thoughts have life

all your thoughts are living things that didn't necessarily originate in you, but sort of from around you and traveled through you and ignited you, thoughts are like farts in that way, only difference is you can smell a fart and you cant smell a thought. thoughts are occuring all around you all the time. maybe that's a bad example but i'm sure its a perfect example for the right person reading this at this moment


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