Good morning and happy Friday loves

well, it is the Friday of a new week. (2:48am local time as I write this now)

I am here with you now, and we are one

Things have changed a lot and I think that is a good thing.

Change comes around to change things (something I've said before long ago)

to make sure things don't stay stagnant

this whole life we live is this ever changing current stream

it is a gift

it is something to cherish and love and remember

it is truth and joy

it is special and an honor

to be here with you sometimes in a struggle,

sometimes in a huggle


it is all good

it is all part of this crazy amazing fantastic dream that has been created

co-created by all of us together at once

in fact, this was our biggest dream together

we were like

wouldn't it be cool if we made this life together,

where we didn't know each other but then somehow

found each other

and we can be in a life where we don't know what is going to happen next

and it can be amazing and epic

this is what we thought before coming here to this life

we knew it would be all the things it could possibly be, everything and more

it became so many things we never knew it could

after 30 years of thinking like her, so does she become her,

old memories fade,  new ones replace

becoming more like what she has created over time

This blog is a pretty remarkable amazing thing

I started writing here officially in 2011

and it is 2019 now

I have many years of thoughts

that I find really inspiring once I read them later.

I'm so happy to know there is this thing

I created that over time,

I just put more stuff into it

and it grew

rather organically.

those are the best things

it wouldn't be what it is today

without my time taking over the years to say some stream of consciousness

from this receiver/transmitter device


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