Your purpose is more than is being presently exhibited to you

You are in this place wherever that is and there is more going on than outer appearances all life exists within your head and you project it outward. This is all stuff u have created /imagined and nowyou get to view it as "your life" 
There is more going on than meets the eye so just remember that when u are doing anything

That there is more and you see that clearly now


  1. Check out David Wilcock - youtube or via his website
    Also, do some re search on the Pineal gland and the effect of fluride. x

  2. Word on the pineal gland and fluoride (sp) advice. Good places to look, but as Brittney mentioned, there is more. Are you ready to hear the more? It can be overwhelming, but it all makes sense if you allow it to.

    The connections get scary...

    Good stuff Brittney. We all own everything and nothing, all the time. Such as it is.


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