Shoutout to this person on my instagram

655321J is the user name. That user found the time to read my blog and commented about it on my instagram. He quoted back one of my blogs "whatever you write writes history"

Thank you It means so much that you are there reading and being involved in this thing. And even you reading this now thank you.

I also want to thank StumbleUpon which is a website that has routed it's users to my pages. I am a user of it and think its dope you can access me thru that avenue.

Thank you Heru Ankh Amen who is an ascending starseed spreading love and light. Thank you for your support.

That entity has led me to some chAnnelings some visions which align me with myself and that pretty much explains it all right there. It's to enlighten the enlightening era. Beautiful and thank you to Matt Muckleroy- he is the user on YouTube who uploads these beautiful entries daily for us. I am blessed to have a social network of positivity, spirit and an opening up to the source. Thank you to all the random awesome instagrams I follow. I usually want to repost but often refrain. Some are ancient_spirit, lightage_shaman, and heru_ankh_amen . Thank you to the plur family that I meet at Insomniac Event music festivals . I am in love with love and all of you

Thank you Insomniac, Bear, Pasquale, you guys facilitate the new era .

Love and Light to all you magical souls of the universe. What a party.

Your Brittney


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