This is like my little avenue

My little corner of the galaxy where I just share me for you to see! I am happy because I know it is for good and you love to see me be me and express what it is like in this light. I see you. I know you are there too. The sun is warm and the afternoon is flattering.

My love is the love of the world. Whatever I can do today to make an impact in my space, this is how I am impacting the universe. The all. The everything. With my every action or when the ego is in play reaction is how the universe receives me. I think this is not all of what is. I think that somehow this won't matter. Oh but it does. And I saw a glimpse last night As I was driving and I have seen and heard the music glimpses of it before. And how crazy that I will god care of me and I return back to safety. This is what it is. This is what's it's for. To be connected in that way.


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