I do my best writing when I have inspiration
Sometimes in the form of green herbs
I haven't had much lately since I have started this new journey.
It sucks. I am not recommending it.
I know who I am what I like and what I don't
I know what I need to make me a better functioning member of society and herbs assist in heightening my vibrational levels.
That's where I am. I am a high person
High on life and love and when u exude from that place you can manipulate your world in ways u hadn't thought or dreamed before.
Because to create that which u haven't seen, you must go where u have not been and do the things u have not ever done.
It's just a process of doing new things
I am writing because I am on my lunch and this is my me time and I guess I just need to get some thoughts out.
My life is going really good.
I am in this new phase and all is well.
I work a new bombass schedule where I get off at 330 so I have about 2 hrs left minus the next 10 for my lunch and minus another 15 break :p
I am just enjoying these moments as they come I am happy and things are really good right now
That's basically it
I will write better shit here probably around the weekend and next. I need to do a large pick up to withstand me while I'm low.
It's fucking hot. I'm sitting in my car with a window open and no shade and it's like 130 by now. I am sweating underneath my shirt. But the crazy thing is I'm gonna go inside and it's gonna be fucking freezing. Like seriously I need to wear a jacket in there and out here I'm like dying lol.
I like life better when I'm high.
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