
Showing posts from 2013

This life is always in your control

This dream

Finding myself divinely inspired

My idea is that

Wow it's so weird

Fearless leader soul essence vibe

Dec 2013!

Hey bb!

Wow what a great day

The best thing about life is discovering more about yourself

Omg a year goes by so fast today

Appreciation thanks forgiveness love

You are perfect

So many new ideas things forming

Peace from heart

This is the b's blog

Omg Thursday nite whut

How do you do what you know you should do

The most perfect thing about you

I thank you for

Haven't posted a msg to fb in a while but did 2nite

Happy sunday be you and beautiful

Create the life that you want by acting spontaneously on hunches in the moment

If you want to be the queen of your world

And basically, just as the gods had orchestrated

It starts with doing the things you have wanted to do for a while but just haven't done

Living an interdimensionally creative life takes constant new creativity

In the hardest of days and times

To be you you must reinvent

Happy day!

Abstract wave sound and divine clouds

In every moment you learn something to be truly grateful for

To be infinite

What is the best thing about life?

Facts the way I see them

Happiness is free

Have a great day!

What is your come from?


Written a while ago this year. Resonates now. Enjoy.

I'm doing better

I made this thing called the manifestation book

You are significant

Life is not always going to be viewed in the way you want it

There are some things I haven't really been talking to you about

You are my loves and I am here to guide you

It's kind of like everything that's been going on

Pretty much your just going to look back on this

Starting something new

Hi I'm brittney

Let something take you somewhere

If you wish to be a creator in life

Happy September!

"What if there was a war and no one came"


I love you on repeat

I've missed you

Life is just this thing that you are

When u get thrown a curve ball

Good morning children of the sun

Pretty much what I'm experiencing rite now

This is a non-profit organization

No matter who reads this

You must not care of the thoughts or feelings of others

I have some things to say

When u are in waiting

Global visionary seeking to change the world

A visionary life

Have a dopeass day

I am, at this present moment,

Thursday night

Hm if something feels a certain way it probably is a certain way

Be the person that you most admire


What a divine expression you give

I am at present the woman I once dreamed of becoming

Be who you want to be be what you are

Hi universe and god!

I love that I know you

You are the gift!

August first 2013 was a day that went down in history

Have a great day cause you are reading this

I have always had this feeling

The inspiration is to just write

I know that we are one because I recognize and live it every day

Have a great week

Lol maybe my blog is for others self promotion.

Like I envision my writing being one thing a certain way in one place that is similar to another place. The environment

My writing changes per my environment

Being a godly being is an experience


My wish for you is that you start living in the realization of your dreams

Where I was going with the other entry was

It's just like you busy yourself being and things just happen

Who are you and what are you doing reading this?


Not better than you best to me

Thank you god and universe for the good vibes

Your purpose is more than is being presently exhibited to you

Good morning my god and universe

Be you to the fullest no matter what

The visionary vibe®™

This is my vision from a higher power

How do I love thee?

If I wasn't being me [me, an interlude]

Here you are just living your life

You are who you always dreamed you'd become

Publicity versus Privacy

Haha so this is weird

Things obviously get better in time

I can honestly say

Sending you the best vibes

Honesty is a big part

I do my best writing when I have inspiration

Sometimes it's not always rainbows and sunshine

Sad day

Happy Friday

And then sometimes u just wonder

Omg!!! Nocturnal Wonderland has camping this year!!

Cannabis elevates out of the lower dense consciousness vibrations

You are a rare gem

Merely speak in your language, on your level

A new day is everyday

A dream


This life gets better and better

To be who you are you have to be every moment

You know what I am not exactly sure on what is to happen

I am so happy!!!

Hello fellow time-space travelers!

U can have ur cake n eat it too




I heart you

Good horoscope for tomorrow Thursday june 6

Today is my bday !

Is it write or wrong

Have a great wonderful day today:)

All you have is this one life

So today's been a pretty good day